AD ID: 119181
Club Rooms for Lease Porirua Wellington
Area (m2):
Ideal as Club Rooms, Church or for social gatherings.
Why lease this Club Rooms
Club Rooms for Lease Porirua Wellington First Floor, 11 Cobham Court
This is ideal for your club or church or for social gatherings.Firstly floor, open plan space with a stud of upto nine metres.
Features include:
High stud - suspended ceiling - two grades of heating - very good natural light - two entrance ways.
Mens and womens - small kitchenette - alarmed and secured - reception desk.
Superb signage opportunity towards Cobham Court and over Ferry Place.
This tenancy is in the middle of the Porirua City Centre with ample car parking available in Cobham Court.
The premises would also ideally suite as a billiard hall.
Available from the beginning of November.
This is well placed for your budget. Call today for an inspection.
For more information or to arrange an inspection contact Alastair Gustafson on 027 223 6013 or email
A member of the specialist Porirua team.
For more info Contact:
Alastair Gustafson
(027) 223 6013 or (04) 210 0361
AGRE Commercial
Licensed REAA 2008
Agent Ref: AG20910
Licensed REAA 2008
Agent Ref: AG20910

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