Step 1: Listing Details

Note: Please refrain from using all CAPITALS
for sale/lease i.e. Offices, Car Yard, Retail Space... (1-3 words)
select the closest city or region
numbers only i.e. 260000
i.e. negotiable, leased...
numbers only i.e. 260000 (NZ$ nett per Annum)
i.e. negotiable, +GST & opex (1-3 words)
numbers only i.e. 12
numbers only i.e. 2500
numbers only (gross figure for last 12 months)
promote the best aspects of your property in 20 words or less (important)
describe what your property is suitable for, its physical attributes, benefits of location, age, condition, construction and features (100 words or less)
if for lease, when available. If leased then terms. Any lease or sale terms and conditions
use 'Owner' if confidential
specify if not 'anytime'
not displayed as enquiries are via a form